Payee Person to whom the cheque is made out to.
Drawer Business or Person that wrote the cheque.
Clearance Time taken for the bank to transfer money into bank account after it has been paid in.
Special Clearance Chargeable service whereby the banks confirm that the cheque will be honoured when presented to the issuing bank. Note Special Clearance does not speed up the time taken to clear the cheque.
PayDay Advance Name given to service when a Payees personnel cheque is cashed for a fee. An agreement is made not to present the cheque to the Payees bank until a certain date. Normally within 28 days. The Payee may purchase the cheque, for its face value, at any time until it is banked on the agreed date.
Transaxâ Brand name of cheque appraisal financial service.
BCCAâ British Cheque Cashers Association. Trade body representing cheque cashers.
APACSâ Association for Payment Clearing Services. Trade association of Banks and Building Societies that deals with payment clearing activities.